The Good Life

Well I imagine some of you out there may be wondering how I'm getting along. Well as they say in W.A. (western Australia) I'm doing "Hell Good". The first week I was a little down. The first week was orientation and it basically consisted of camp like activities for all the new college students to get to know each other. Most of them are 17 so the age difference was a bit of a problem. Every night of O-week consisted drinking huge ammounts of cheap wine and watching these 17 year old embarass themselves at the bars. I did have fun but I didn't really meet any good friends.
Now though I've made some good solid friends in and out of college and I'm getting to know people alot better. The advantage and disadvantage of a small college (170 people) is that everyone knows everyone. I'd say I recognize about 3/4 of the faces and 1/3 of their names.

I thought I'd just run through yesterday (friday) as what I hope to be a typical day for me in Perth.

I Woke up in my infant-sized bed and showered in an attempt to wash away the previous night's hangover.

I headed off to the canteen for a breakfast that even McDonalds would be ashamed to serve. Although I did get to have yogurt in my cereal, which pretty much kicks ass.

I baked in the beautiful 40C + weather as I strolled through the excessivly landscaped and extremly beautiful campus.

I had to sit through a three hour lecture on Underground mining taught by a Queen's graduate.

I headed back to the castle in which I live for lunch. Friday's is apparently allways fish and chips, which taste really good now but I imagine will get pretty old in a few weeks.

I went for a quick jog along the Matilda Bay Coast enjoying the subtle breeze and incredible views.

Me and 2 of my Souuth African mates hopped on the bus to go to the beach

We arrived at Cotteslow beach (on the coast) and were greeted by a gentle and cool sea breeze. We spent the afternoon body surfing in the amazing waves and lying on the beautiful beach taking in the warm afternoon sun. The surf was so strung it flung many a bather into each other. After one particularly strong "dump" I literaly stood up and to my surprise there was a quite beautiful and some what startled girl literaly in my arms. Unfortunatly I think I'm the only person on earth who can mess that blessing up.

I wish I made signs for a living

We found a quaint little beach side bistro teaming with character and shared a few micro-brewed beers.

We got back to college just in time to catch the last bit of St. George's favorite pastime: backyard cricket.

Cricket Anyone?

I managed to stomach another fine college meal.

We headed into Perth for a quite night on the town.

We wondered through the outdoor looking little into the shop window's instead focusing on the sites and sounds that bring the city to life on a friday evening.

We met up with a few of Allistar's friends and joined them for incredibly cheap and surprisingly good sushi.

We lazyly made our way up to Northbridge in search of a watering hole that suited us. Unfortunatly Alistar didn't have ID with him and we were turned down by many a girzzly faced bouncer. Finaly we came acorss the innocuously name Voodoo Lounge. The doorman kindly admited us and we walked up the red carpeted stairs. Entering the lounge we were all surprised to be greeted by a topless women going to work on a brass pole. We had to stay for a drink after the bouncer was kind enough to allow us entry. Now I'm sure none of you guys would be aware of how depressing a strip joint is early in the evening. It was populated with only a sparse few fellows who were of the seediest of dispositions. The dancer paraded around the stage with a complete lack of enthusiasm. At one point she sat down topless and looked around with a face of utter bordom. A few of the ladies came by and chatted us up all of whom claimed to be dancing to put themselves through school and all of them polietly tried to sell us lap dances. We hurried through our drinks and popped over to irish pub to enjoy a slow pint and headed back to college.

- Drew